CLA and RISE Spring Regulatory Conference

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  • Location Arlington, VA
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FDA Practice Leader and AgTech Industry Group Co-Leader Karen Carr will speak on a panel on treated seeds at the 2024 CropLife America and RISE Spring Regulatory Conference on April 17, 2024.

Karen and co-panelists Matt Crowley, a Biologist in EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, Health Division, and Sean McCarty, General Manager of Government Affairs at Helena Chemical Company, will provide an overview of proposed changes to the well-established regulatory framework for treated seeds and potential government action that may impact seed treatment at the state and federal levels and in agencies, state legislatures, and the courts. The panel will be moderated by Matthew Feinberg, Product Registration Manager at BASF Corporation.

This year’s Spring Regulatory Conference will feature speakers from government, the agriculture and agtech industry, and others who work with and regulate pesticide products.


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