ArentFox Schiff assists tax-exempt institutions in using tax-exempt and conventional-test financing to augment and develop projects and acquire equipment, with a particular focus in Washington, DC, area, New York City and New York State.
In the District of Columbia, representative clients have included the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, The George Washington University, the National Geographic Society and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. We also assist entities locally and nationally in financing public facilities, school facilities, headquarter facilities and other projects.
We have the leading borrower’s counsel practice in the Washington, DC-area and have participated in approximately 80 percent of the conduit municipal bond issues of the District of Columbia since the inception of its bond program.
Members of the firm serve as borrower’s counsel, bond counsel, special tax counsel, underwriters’ counsel, credit enhancer’s counsel or trustee’s counsel on numerous such financings.