The Latest on Putting MEU and MIEU Requirements into Action: Hidden Lessons for Updating Compliance and Licensing Practices

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    Toronto, Ontario 

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Kay Georgi speaks at the 12th Annual Export & Re-export Compliance for Canadian Operations Conference.

During Kay’s session, she will cover the topics: 

  • How the industry has been implementing licensing requirements for exports, re-exports, and transfers of items intended for military end use (MEU) and military-intelligence end users (MIEU) in China
  • The nuances across the U.S. prohibitions under the EAR and ITAR
  • Key licensing guidance: What triggers approvals, denials and RWAs
  • Practicalities of implementing the heightened due diligence requirements for sales and technology transfers
  • How the industry is updating screening, compliance policies and procedures around MEU and MIEU Regulations
  • EAR Section 744.21 restrictions on the export, re-export, and transfer of certain items for “military end uses”
  • How and why the Commerce Department expanded the “Military End-User” definition to include: any item “that supports or contributes to the operation, installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul, refurbishing, ‘development,’ or ‘production,’ of military items.”


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