Michelle R. Bowling


Michelle helps clients plan, design, manage, and execute targeted privacy and security compliance programs, particularly those related to data subject rights requests, cookie compliance, incident response, and data breach notification.

Michelle Bowling Portrait

Michelle has developed privacy and cybersecurity compliance programs for a broad range of clients – from Fortune 500 technology companies, financial institutions, healthcare providers, and startups – to align with international and domestic privacy and data security laws. She also provides her clients with tailored and actionable advice relating to commercial transactions and the product design lifecycle, especially those involving biometrics, Big Data, children’s data, artificial intelligence, and audiovisual recording and disclosure.

Boards, Memberships & Certifications


  • The International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), Co-Chair, Northern Virginia KnowledgeNet
  • ChIPs Network, Member 


  • Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/ US)

Previous Work

Prior to her legal career, Michelle was Privacy Program Manager at HP Inc. and Priceline.com, and an Information Technology Contracts Specialist for California’s Irvine Unified School District.

Life Beyond the Law

Outside of work, Michelle enjoys volunteering with her local Surfrider chapter and using her Emergency Medical Technician skills to rescue and rehabilitate wildlife.