Semiconductors and Military Applications: New and Surprising Lessons for Interpreting and Applying 15 CFR Part 744 of the EAR

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    Toronto, Ontario

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Kay Georgi discusses new BIS rules at the Canadian Institute’s 13th Annual Forum on US Export & Re-Export Compliance for Canadian Operations.

On October 17, 2023, BIS released two interim final rules (known as the “October 2023 IFRs”), which tightened export controls on advanced computing items, semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and items that can support end uses related to the development and production of supercomputers, advanced-node integrated circuits and semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

During this timely session, delve into the finer points of these new rules along with ones already in place, and discuss how they will affect export operations and supply chains in expected (and unexpected ways).

Topics will include:

  • New changes to technical parameters
  • Expansion of ICs Controlled under ECCN 3A090
  • Affirmative identification of items that “meet or exceed the performance parameters of 3A090 or 4A090” under new ECCN paragraphs and related export clearance requirements
  • Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment: Removal of ECCN 3B090, transfer of entries and expansion of ECCNs 3B001 and 3B002
  • Expansion of End-Use Licensing Requirements in EAR § 744.23


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